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Crane arrangerer to Webinarer: 28.09 og 10.10.

– CRANE PCP project launches 4,65M€ Digital Health Solutions Public Tender. Lead Procurer: Centre for Rural Medicine, Region Västerbotten
CRANE H2020 pre-commercial procurement project is investing through its three buyer regions, Extremadura (ES), Region Agder (NO) and Region Västerbotten (SE), 4,65M€ in research for a new technological solution to make private and public health data automatically available for the patients with chronic conditions.

All regions have comitted themselves to the CRANE concept with slightly different entry points. Region Agders main aim is to empower patients by providing them control of their health data. We want it to be possible for patients, when they so wish, to share their data between different health and care service providers. By keeping health data at hand, we hope to improve self-management opportunities in order to contribute to increased autonomy and well-being for the users. In Agder it will be of importance to develop a solution that plays well with other e-health initiatives such as Digital Home Follow-up and Inovation Partnership Agder.

In order to support potential bidders, CRANE Consortium will hold two public webinars on the 28th of September and on the 10th of October (2022), register at:

Download the tender documents here:
Stay tuned also by visiting CRANE website: and twitter: #healthcare #digitalhealth #h2020 #pcp #tender #Extremadura #RegionVästerbotten #AgderRegion#RKGehelse#VårtAgder#Lindesneskommune #Kristiansandkommune #Grimstadkommune #Arendalkommune#EU_2020 #EU_Health #Horizon2020EU #EIP_AHA #innovation #research #startup, #startupeurope #SMEinstrument #innovativeanskaffelser # helseinnovasjon#Junta de Extremadura Niclas Forsling Ingrid Kjørstad

LUP – Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet, Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
Photo: Freepik

Crane Tender Announcement:
Besøk gjerne Crane sin prosjektside for mer informasjon.

Publisert 26-09-2022, av Ingrid Kjørstad (Prosjektleder)

Om RKG eHelse

Regional koordineringsgruppe e-helse og velferdsteknologi Agder (RKG e-helse) ble etablert i 2016 av Rådmannsgruppen – regionplan Agder.

RKG-ehelse har følgende formål:

  • regionen skal være ledende innen velferdsteknologi i Norge
  • arbeidet skal stimulere til forskning, utvikling og næringsutvikling i regionen
  • økt regional kommunal koordinering og forankring på Agder

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